Wednesday 30 March 2022


A website on general topics which apply to the apparent  covid 19 pandemic on earth.
I begin with this video.
Which has a narrator in it that basically implying that masks are neccacary for humans to prevent human deaths everywhere.
On that note I'll state this. 

I respectfully disagree. Here. Allow me to elaborate on why I say that . Heres an example to why i say that.

To people on earth today.  Heres an example to why i say that specifically.  You know when you get to a red light?

And you wait for the light to turn green?
Theirs a button there.

And  you press the button to tell the lights to change.
Because your waiting to cross the street?

And you think if you press the button, the light will turn into a green light faster?

The button is only there to make people feel better.
But it doesnt make the lights  change to green faster.

This scenario of a mask?
It's exactly like that..

Dont get me wrong..I'll wear a mask.
If I'm told to.

But, I gotta tell you.
I mean , ya see what I'm saying?

I mean, come on?
Are you people thinking about this properly?
Cars and TRAINS and planes pollute the atmosphere.

Theres so  much pollution in earths airways, due to the fact, humans place modern transportation above the mother  earth that,its absolutely pathetic evil on the part of the whole human race.

With that much pollution which works itself into countless germs everywhere on earth, you think a flimsy corona virus mask is going to prevent germs from entering into a persons mouth?

If anything, in regards to that , germs will accumulate on the corona virus mask a person has on, and then slowly penetrate and then dissolve into a persons mouth and face.
And skin.

Think about it.

In regards to this matter of corona virus masks, does anyone on earth have a brain that operates above the level of a retarded terrestrial ostrich?

Ya know?
I'm just curious.
Ya know?
It's just a question.
You can call it that.
People reading this.

Think about that the next time you see a  couple police officers brutalize chain hand and foot and arrest some helpless old person who cant wear a mask because they have asthma.
For example.

I'm just saying.
On that note.

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